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Location: Seattle, Washington, United States

Monday, July 10, 2006

Pressing Buttons while Listening to Music...

I’m sitting here wishing I was far away… My life seems to have slowed to a stop, which is getting really rather irritating. I’m still waiting for my immigration papers to go through, we did know this was going to be a long process but didn’t really figure in the separation multiplyer…

If we were together the time would be flying, but we are apart & it is horrible…

I should really be doing practical things, I should be preparing, but without an end date in sight it’s hard to do. So instead I’m treading water, waiting & wishing my days to pass as quickly as possible. I find myself increasingly unable to do anything constructive…

We had open eyes at the beginning of this and open eyes now, these things take time & there is no use worrying about it… Yet, last June we thought we may be lucky & make it back to Seattle by Christmas 2005, but now it’s looking like we might be lucky to be there for Christmas 2006…

(But when we consider everything, we were lucky to meet each other all those years ago, we were lucky to find each other again after a number of years had passed & we are lucky to have each other now.)

So to continue thinking on the positive side, Sunny’s employers are amazing, and didn’t flutter when she requested another couple of months of remote working. (A few thousand miles and 8 hours time difference remote… Why can’t all employers be this good..)

Only 18 days till we’re together for a couple of months (which with fingers crossed might mean that I’m nearly, almost, soon going to be heading to the embassy for an interview…) I can’t stop thinking of just how happy we are when we are together, how everything is brighter, more interesting, happier, funnier, better… And how it’s going to be back to good so soon (if only for a temporarily-temporary time… Thinking positively, with good fortune and early interview dates maybe there is even a chance that we might be going home together in October… )

While sitting here I'm passing time by eating a box of tiny melon flavoured chocolate cone things from Japan & listening to ‘Introducing…’ by Hello Saferide. Hello Saferide are great, lots of happy, fun bitter-twistedness… So, thanks lots to milk-milk lemonade for the heads up.

I’m not sure if some of the songs are making me feel a little more melancholic or whether they are making me enjoy the melancholia… The latter I think… Sadly the pretty songs have killed my plans for this evening. Winnebago Deal are in Brum tonight, and I was supposed to be going to see them (having really enjoyed them in the guise of the Mondo Generator music boys a few weeks ago). But the last thing I need right now is rambunctious noise, even though I’m sure it would be very nice noise...

So tonight I will stay in and save my dancing up for Thursday night in Stourbridge, when I will once again be grooving along to The Wonder Stuff. The best band in the world. I’m hoping that Dharma Drive (or at Least Matt & Suzy) will be providing support, but nothing seems to be mentioned anywhere I guess that’s looking less likely..

(I ordered the ‘Hello Saferide’ CDs from Here on and Thursday they got from Sweden to the UK by Monday, can’t say fairer than that.. So if you have a listen to the tracks on their site why not make a purchase…)

Not really sure I have too much to say, but just wanted to have a little yabber, I should yabber more often. But the yabber is over for now…


Blogger Michelle said...

Ahh, that Hello Saferide CD has my name written allll over it - roll on payday!

And hooray for Sunny coming over for two months - that's excellent news. Although obviously not quite as excellent as the news that all the immigration stuff's finally sorted and you're able to get to Seattle would be... I am stunned that it can take so long for something that should be so simple to happen. Is it just because they have a huge backlog to get through? It's insane... anyway, I have my fingers crossed for you that stuff starts happening quickly, and soon.

1:25 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

i like this frequent updating lark.

4:44 PM  

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