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Location: Seattle, Washington, United States

Monday, February 12, 2007

Living in America…

Well it seems that I have done the customary blogger thing and left months between posts, not good. But then when a life has been as action packed as mine has been for the last few months then it’s not surprising that I haven’t really found or made time to put fingers to tippy-tappy keyboard. Yet somehow I miss it, I’ve been keeping neither a public nor a private journal so have missed out on that nice mental reorganisation which writing seems to bring; so a new beginning I’ll say the same old thing that this time I will be back for good, this time I will be reliable, regular etcetera etcetera… (And maybe I will, but the reliability factor may revolve around the spurt of tippy tappy action followed by bout of apparent inaction.

So then, what’s been happening in this time which reportage could perceive as inactive? Well other than selling my house, quitting my job, moving to a new country (a new continent in fact) and finally starting to start life properly with my lovely lady wife not too much has been happening… actually that’s a lie, the aforementioned minor life changes have been punctuated by quite a few gigs, shows, events and experiences… So many things so little time…

In short life over the last few months has been good to me.

I left the UK on the 15th of December 2006, which co-incidentally was also the day that my notice expired and I left the IT dept of HSBC, and the day that the sale of my house completed. The convergence of dates wasn’t entirely planned, they all just seemed to slot into place. Sadly the date slotting hadn’t occurred one month earlier, on Nov 15th, our first Wedding Anniversary. That would have made things perfect.

(the plane which brought me to my new home..)

I left the UK at 14.05 (the house went through at 14.00) and by the miracle of time zones I landed in my new hometown of Seattle an hour and a half later. (9 and a half hour flight with a -8 hour time difference yay..)

Customs and immigration were a breeze, so helpful happy and friendly, the way things should be (throwing sharply into contrast then surly welcome I received in Minneapolis the last time I entered the States.. “Sir, do not smile at me Sir…” but that’s another story…)

So, after a year’s hiatus, life is starting to start properly, I’m in the early stages of applying for jobs, which is always fun and buying a house(more fun) will follow my successful re-entry into the working population.


Blogger Mark said...

it's good to see you back

7:04 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I just wanted to say: yay! Keep up the blogging thing, I want to read moooore! And as for the 'mental reorganisation' thing... yeah, I miss that - must force myself to start the blog-rambling thing again.

7:26 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Hm, far too many instances of the word 'thing' in that comment. Oh well. I can't be arsed to delete and re-type...

7:26 AM  

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